Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Old and New

The first is a four color wood cut of a Militiaman from the Revolutionary war. This print and the mono type of Steven were both in the Utah County Spring art show.

The second shown here is my first Lithograph done with litho crayons and pencils on an aluminum plate. I am currently taking a Fundamentals of lithography class at BYU from the great Wayne Kimball who will soon be retiring.


Kirsten said...

lithography is soooo impressive to me. it looks like you just drew 20 copies of the same thing.

Juliette said...

Those are so cool. You make me waht to try it.

jess smart smiley said...

I love the blue you picked for the soldier's uniform. "The Ominous Flight" is such a great composition. Dang! You could use it for so many different things. You must be an illustrator or something!

jess smart smiley said...

Where's your new stuff?